Optimize the SEO of your Android App

There are SEO criteria to improve the visibility of your Android app on the Google Play Store. What actions must be implemented and how increase the number of downloads of your app? Here's how to get started:
The SEO Criteria relating to the description of the app
Application Name
The application name or "Title" tag, which is as crucial as for the SEO of webpages. The title should include the name of the application and be descriptive enough to entice users to learn more about the app. It must explain clearly explain the purpose of the application. It is best to opt for a short title, given that users connect from terminals with different type of terminals (smartphones, tablets) and the size of their screen do not always allow them to view the entire title.Application Description
This is similar to the information entered in the Meta Description tag of a website. The description describes the purpose of application, its features and benefits.It generally consists of a short presentation and a list of main features.
- Enumerate the free features.
- Use bulleted lists/dashes to highlight the important features.
- Prefer short sentences.
Google Play Store has a limit of 4000 characters, allowing you to write a relatively long description. It is important to use the right keywords. Applications appear in the results pages of Google, thus a significant proportion of traffic to the app presentation page comes from the search engine.
Note that:
- Do not post redundant content ( avoid duplicate content in the description)
- Descriptions, titles and metadata applications must not contain false statements, or be overloaded with keywords.
Application logo
The logo is the most visible part of the description. The logo should look professional. It must be creative and suggest what the application can actually do (game, social networking, productivity, etc.).Screenshots of the application
Select visually catchy screenshots, as many users like to get an idea of the UI and usability of the application before downloading it. Google Play Store also incorporates a video player that allows you to integrate video of your apps (via Youtube).Category
It is important to choose the right category for your application on the Google Play Store.If multiple categories are consistent, it is important to choose the most relevant ones.
==External SEO criteria=
These criteria correspond to all elements outside the description of the application, relevant to its SEO/visibility on Google Play Store.
Overall Rating
All users of the application can assign an overall rating, ranging from 1 to 5 stars .The overall rating for the application influences the visibility of the application on the Google Play Store , especially if it is based on a significant number of users.
Positive user feedback will increase the download rate of your app.Number of downloads of the application
The total number of downloads of the application is an important criterion.Back link
Given that the Google Play Store is connected to the Google search index , links to the application, from pages having a high pagerank, may have an impact on the SEO of the application.Tools
To optimize the SEO of your Android app:- AppTweak:https://www.apptweak.com/
- SensorTower: https://sensortower.com/
- SearchMan: https://searchman.com/
More information: Google Play Developer Program Policies
Règlement du programme Google Play (pour les développeurs)
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